
1 专家系统及其应用 113
2 心血管药物治疗专家系统的设计 113
3 时常清洗电脑提网速 2
4 用笔记本win7的系统建立wifi 45
5 电脑的开机密码忘记了怎么打开 45
6 解决 Windows 中文乱码 2
7 这样用Google 72
8 远程桌面连接实用技巧 61
9 Create an Ad Hoc Wireless Network 61
10 Easy Tricks for Creating a Strong Password 79
11 FTP Error Codes Explained 72
12 Oracle -- Multilingual Regular Expression Syntax (link: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/ap_posix001.htm#BABJDBHB) 7
13 Replace Leased Comcast Cable Modem with other Cable Modem 50
14 Test Pattern for data validation 72

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