

美国爸爸给将上大学女儿的一封理财信 by 水榭听香



  Dear Lexie,


  On your first day of college, let me congratulate you on your well-earned freedom. No more curfews[宵禁]. No more being dragged places you'd rather not be. No more of Dad's teachable[可教的] moments about responsibility, And no more boring lessons about after-tax income, saving, borrowing, compound returns[回报率] and growth stocks[增长股].


  While we're on the subject of “no more,” let me gently mention that it applies to the car you've been driving too, and my gas card and your allowance[零用钱]. Freedom, you see, has its price. Sorry, I couldn't resist one more teachable moment.


  A Letter to My College-Bound Daughter 给将上大学的女儿的一封信——来自爸爸的“大学理财经”I know that you will study hard and explore all the great things that a university has to offer. You are ready for this and, frankly, so am I. Your freedom and a degree of mine come wrapped together.


  Yet I can't help but worry that you may get tripped up[绊倒] with money issues. It's easy to do, especially when you're just starting out. But happily, it's also fairly easy to avoid. So if you'll just indulge[纵容] me one last time, I'd like to offer some parting[离别的] financial wisdom for your first semester and beyond.


  You are fortunate to have parents that can take care of your biggest bills—tuition[学费], room and board[膳食费], transportation home. But the rest, dear child, is up to you. It would be a shame for you to end up in debt with your modest earning ability right now (the average credit card balance for college seniors: nearly $3,000). So estimate all of your expenses over the next 17 weeks and compare that with your available resources. Looking at the whole semester, not just a sample week, makes plain how recurring[反复的] expenses add up—like, say, $4 a day at Starbucks setting you back nearly $500.


  Separate your spending into categories, such as books, laundry, entertainment, food and beverages[饮料] (spare me the details about what kind of beverages). “Keep an envelope for each, and place all of your receipts[收据] in those envelopes so you can go back and count what you spent where,” says Douglas Andrew, author of Millionaire by Thirty. “That way you'll quickly recognize where you may be going overboard[过长]。” Make adjustments as needed.


  But when you add to one category, be sure you subtract[减] from another. If money runs tight, don't default[默认] to a part-time job unless you'd really enjoy it or it's truly a last option. You worked hard all summer and saved enough to get by. Cut your expenses instead. That's a lifetime skill worth developing now.


  I have a confession[供认]: In the past few months I have—without telling you—thrown away at least a dozen credit card offers to you. This bombardment[轰击] will continue when you move to campus. They will not stop the barrage[密集火力进攻], and even without me as your guardian filter[过滤器], I hope you'll keep throwing the offers away. You need only one—a Visa, a MasterCard or an American Express注. Never charge more than 30 percent of your credit limit and pay in full every month. But just to be safe, authorize[授权] an appropriate automatic monthly payment to protect you from late fees[滞纳金] and a credit blemish[污点].


  Even if you don't have to, take at least one economics and one personal finance course. High schools don't teach much about budgets and credit or supply and demand. These courses will open your eyes to[使某人看清] how much money works in the real world and introduce you to practical skills you'll use the rest of your life. They will also, finally, give you an inkling[略知] of what your dad's been writing about for 25 years.


  Don't get caught up in talk on campus about which majors are the best stepping stones[垫脚石] to financial success. You'll hear plenty of that from kids who want or may be under pressure to get a quick return from their education. Forget them. Many of those kids will end up disliking their jobs and muddling through[混过去] so-so careers. You can make a great living doing almost anything, as long as you love it. So take risks. Explore. Switch majors. Get your head out of the books and do something surprising. There's time. But find your bliss[幸福] and pursue it. Go ahead and get fluent[流利的] in Spanish and study abroad if that makes your heart sing. Your knowledge and experience will pay off later on, I promise—just as you'll be rewarded for the joy you bring to tasks that excite you.


  So that's it, Lexie. Of course, I'll be available for more advice anytime—for the price of a phone call. Judging by how eagerly you packed your things, though, I recognize that my time would be ill-spent sitting in front of the telephone waiting. That's okay, I won't. We're both ready.


  Love always,


